A current list of workshops is now available.
I have included a sampling of my instructions and hand outs for some of the workshops. Feel free to print out a personal copy for yourself, but please do not distrubute or modify without prior approval.Some of the workshops I teach include:
• Basic Bookbinding: This class takes students from flat sheets of paper and board to a hard cover book in the Bradel style of binding. Instruction includes folding signatures, sewing the textblock, making the cover, and casing in. Tools and techniques used are aimed at those who do not have access to a fully equiped bindery. Materials are those which can be purchased at the local art store. A sample of the books can be seen in the Workshop Galleries under Basic Bookbinding.
• 8 Books in a Box: Eight non-adhesive bindings, all of which fit into an origami box. Structures include origami (folded) books, accordion books, and pamphlets. A picture of the books made is located in the Workshop Galleries under 8 Books in a Box. Click here for a PDF file of sample instructions.
• Seven Single Sheet Structures: This is the newest workshop offered by BookWorks. Seven different books all made from single sheets of paper, folded in ingeneous ways. The structures include the 12 Step Book in a Box, the Mapamundi, pocket books, and others books which will amaze in their folded intracacies. Remember, just fold, no spindling or mutilating allowed. Click here for a PDF file of sample instructions.
• Bucknaked Sewnboards Binding: This is a variation of the sewnboards binding which is easy and fast to make. The bucknaked title comes from the fact that the outer signatures are used as covers and are not covered by anything. This workshop can also include surface decoration for paper and leather, CAAD, and the production of editions (mulitples of the same book). See a sample of the bucknaked sewnboards binding.
I teach in local art galleries and guilds and am willing to teach in other classroom-oriented venues. I am willing to travel to teach day, weekend or longer courses, depending on location and timing. For further information, please contact me.