Eric Alstrom, book artist, binder and conservator, of
Okemos, Michigan, has been involved in the book arts since
Eric received his initial training as a conservator and
binder in Ann Arbor, Michigan. While in Ann Arbor, he
worked at the Bentley Historical Library at the University
of Michigan as an assistant conservator under James Craven,
while learning how to conserve a variety of historical
bindings. He also at the Bessenberg Bindery, heading their
book repair department as well as helping in the production
of small editions and one-of-a-kind books.
Between 1994 and 2004, Eric lived and worked first in
Athens, Ohio at Ohio University and then in Hanover, New
Hampshire at Dartmouth College. At both institutions, he
headed the conservation lab, working on both the
circulating general collections and the special holdings of
rare books and manuscripts. Other highlights included
designing state-of-the-art conservation labs at both OU and
Dartmouth, developing several new binding techniques for
pamphlet materials and softcover volumes, and teaching
bookbinding for the Book Arts Workshop at Dartmouth
In April, 2004, Eric moved back to Michigan to head the
conservation lab at Michigan State University in East
Lansing. He is in the process, once again, of designing yet
another conservation lab, something he now considers one of
his specialties. Eric also teaches workshops at Hollander's
in Ann Arbor as well as at other venues. He continues to
create design bindings and artists books, although raising
his family has rightly taken priority. He has exhibited
books both across the United States as well as in Italy and
Eric appreciates all comments and will answer all
questions. Please email him at